A Giant of His Own
Putot, is a 20-minute short film that features Carl Patrick Taylan on the lead role. The story revolves around a young boy, who takes care of his mentally ill father while struggling to make a living selling shellfish at a squatter colony by the sea. He forms a tentative friendship with Mayang portrayed by Karen Grace Pilapil, a young girl with secrets of her own.
The film is written and directed by a young Filipino named, Emmanuel ‘Jeck’ Cogama, who had its latest film, Itim and was part of the Guimaras: Short Films from the Oil Spill, which seeks to create awareness among the general public on the effects of oil spill. It was shown on ABC 5’s current affairs program SHORTS and Robinson’s Galleria in Quezon City.
Putot is soon to be exhibited in the 26th Louis Vuitton Hawaii International Film Festival, USA, 2006. It is also the only Filipino finalist among the 70 films from 52 countries in the forthcoming 29th Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival in France in 2007. Nor Domingo and Meryll Soriano complete the cast.
It is produced by Joel Ruiz’s Arkeofilms with Alma dela Peña as its director for photography, Christine Dy as its production designer.
Cogama began making films while studying Communication Arts at De La Salle University- Dasmariñas. his first experimental film titled, Scythe and won for him the grand jury prize in his school film festival and placed 2nd at University of the Philippines First Inyorai Bidyo Festival. The same film also earned him third place in the 17th Gawad CCP para sa Alternatibong Pelikula at Video, 2004.
He was also the assistant director and segment producer of ABC 5’s Club TV and Shall We Dance.
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